The Best of Us

Gabby is 13 years old and in the 7th grade. She loves school and is sweet, silly, caring and has a gentle soul. She loves music - especially One Direction. She also loves gummi worms more than gummi bears

Lucy is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. She is smart, sensitive and super hard on herself. She plays soccer and the flute and loves to go shopping. She loves cupcakes and ice cream and despises veggies. 

Dylan is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. He is a leader,  smart, curious and patient. He loves anything related to sports, has a crazy memory for stats and loves baseball cards.  And he loves eating.

Trevor is 8 and in the 3rd grade. He is quiet, wicked smart, sensitive and goofy. His body gives off amazing energy. He loves Legos and collecting “friends” to keep in his bed.

Cody is 7 and in the 1st grade. Hi is all muscle and works hard to keep up with the "big kids" and keep Evey in her place. He has a fierce love for his mommy. And, for some odd reason, he likes the SF Giants.

Evey is 5. She loves Scooby Doo - especially Daphne, her ballerina dress up outfit, and donuts. She too works hard at keeping up with the boys when they are outside playing and counts the seconds until her sisters come back home. She is a Daddy's girl through and through - her and Andy have a incredible bond. And she loves Kindergarten. 

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