Saturday, August 4, 2012


 For the past three years, I have worked for Down Syndrome Information Alliance (DSIA) and SCOE Infant Development Program. I actually founded DSIA with a few other families in 2004 and took some time off while I was with the Sheriff’s Department. And I have been with SCOE since 2003. Both jobs allow me to work mostly from home with an occasional meeting in and around Sacramento – usually during school hours. And although working from home has MANY privileges, it is also a huge struggle for me to stay focused. Either on the kids, the house or work. They all mingle together and then I feel like I am not doing any one of them very well. So, to make sure I get a few solid hours in, I usually wake up around 5 am, grab a quick workout or run, and then get to work before all the kiddos wake up. It seems to be working for us.

About a month ago a job position was posted for a Family Resource and Support Specialist for the WarmLine Family resource Center. WarmLine is a non-profit organization that provides resources and support to families and professionals that are involved with children with special needs. I have wanted to work more closely with their Executive Director, Kelly Young, who I greatly admire and know I can learn a lot from. So, I chatted it over with Andy, updated my resume and off I went. I had two interviews and was offered the position.

And then panic sunk in! Three days a week in an office???? This fall we have all six kiddos in school (although Cody and Evey go opposite days, so one of them are always home) - 6 kids in school - 3 different schools in Carmichael, Roseville and Granite Bay.  Plus, I have not worked outside the home since before I had Evey!

Thankfully, Andy is at home full time, so it makes it easier.  He is a fantastic Daddy and a great partner… he does laundry, dishes, cleans and cooks. And takes care of the kids flawlessly. Here’s a recent post on Facebook to prove it:

Yeah I'm having a beer at 1pm on a Thursday afternoon. It's ok to judge. Some might think it's because it's just me and the kids at home today with out Missy, maybe cause I did breakfast for everyone, or because I ran and emptied the dishwasher already, maybe cause I did 2 loads of laundry and they are put away now, maybe because I did a little work in the garage earlier, or perhaps because I cooked hot dogs on the grill which always elicits a beer, or maybe because we all had some fruit with our dogs to balance out the not so healthy lunch or maybe because we have colored and played "shop" twice already; ummm NOPE. You see that's all part of being a parent. You don't need FB with it's 20 comments to tell you way to go, you just need to gauge your work by that of your child. Are they the person you want them to be? Are they acting the way you want them to? Are you teaching them the best you can? 

So why the beer? Because I can. Cheers :) — with Heather Green. 

With Andy home, the house still runs smooth, the children are at home with a parent, and all would seem good.  Everyone seems to be adjusting well to this new change, except me.  Well, the kids and me. Ok, Andy, the kids and Me. Cody runs after me every morning as I am walking out the door because he doesn’t want me to leave – and then tells Andy he doesn’t want me to leave because he’s afraid I won’t come back like his Mommy. So, Andy is left at home to deal with that with no physical support from me and I am left driving to work wondering how everyone is. Evey tells me, “I don’t want you do go Mommy it’ll take too long for you to get back home,” Dylan has cried because there are mornings that I am gone before he wakes up. Trevor gives me the silent treatment – which is how he deals with things (man, can I relate to that kid!). Lucy has expressed her dislike of me working all day plenty of times and Gabby says “I miss you, but can you print me more word searches before you go?” I love her straightforwardness.  The work that I am doing with WarmLine, DSIA and SCOE is important, rewarding and inspiring. The kids and Andy are enjoying the last week and a half before school starts. And we even managed to plan a kid free weekend. I love my children more than I love the Dodgers, Peanut Butter with Chocolate, and Peppermint mochas…. But I am definitely looking forward to some down time with the person that takes care of me, loves me and supports me the most.  After spending the last two years side by side, it has been a big adjustment with me out of the home so much.  

I know I am having huge issues with being away from home so much. That, coupled with the fact that the kids go back to school so soon has me overwhelmed. I am left wondering where did summer go? What about all the crafty, fun things I pinned on Pinterest that I wanted to do? I have to keep reminding myself that just because school starts does not mean that our lives are over. Even though I may feel like it. J

I am off to enjoy a wonderful weekend with the love of my life. He sent me an evite to each activity he planned for us… a walk, movie, coffee and bookstore, miniature golf, dinner at “our restaurant” and breakfast in bed. I love him.

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